Friday, August 8, 2008

My hat is in the ring

My family has been encouraging me to throw my hat into the ring and begin to blog.  Blog..  me?!  Frankly, I didn't see the point.  I thought of blogging as one big journal entry.  Ugh!  If this is a journal, them I'm doomed to fail.

I've had a pattern of buying lovely journals that feel amazing in my hand.  The weight of the paper is right, the texture feels amazing... so one would think that I'd be all set and I'd look forward to journaling.  Sadly, that's not been the case - as my section of half-started journals on my bookshelf can attest to.  My kids kept telling me that unlike a journal (which is a private internal dialogue), a blog invites others into the dialogue.  

Well the penny finally dropped when I read this quote by Eric Hoffer:  "In times of great change learners inherit the earth, while the learned find themselves beautifully equipped for a world that no longer exists."  Wow... so true.  This gave me focus and inspired to begin the process because one of my core values is to be a life-longer learner.  That's what this blog will be about -- sharing what I'm learning and struggling to understand.

I just threw my hat in...  So Justin, can you take my name off of the list of those who "should be blogging" wall of shame?  

1 comment:

JustinFike said...

Absolutely, and with pleasure =).

I'm glad to see you jumping in here, and I'm really looking forward to getting a window into your thoughts and musings these days. Looks like blogging is going to be on great way for the fike family to stay connected through this next season.